with Bruce Jentleson, Eric Mlyn, Candis Watts Smith, Kathryn Whetten, and Gary Bennett
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Discussing contentious and difficult topics in the classroom is an essential part of the learning experience. These topics provide opportunities for deepening understanding of complex issues and learning about different perspectives and approaches, but they can also create dynamics that are not consistent with the values of constructive, respectful and inclusive dialogue. Faculty must also navigate the fine line between tenets of academic freedom and respectful engagement with students.
In an Inclusive Leadership roundtable led by moderator Gary G. Bennett, four Duke University faculty with deep experience in these spaces discussed strategies and best practices to foster learning environments where such dialogue can take place, including their perspectives on how to manage challenging conversations and interactions in the classroom. Our panelists included Bruce Jentleson, Eric Mlyn, Candis Watts Smith, and Kathryn Whetten.
Watch Navigating Sensitive Topics in Your Teaching & Research Spaces, with Bruce Jentleson, Eric Mlyn, Candis Watts Smith, and Kathryn Whetten, moderated by Gary Bennett, all of Duke University.
Interested in facilitating a conversation like this one on your campus? Click the Related Resources button below for a guide.
This Inclusive Leadership roundtable is brought to you by FAN member Duke University.